Adopt! This is the best help! When you adopt animal from us, we will be able to help to the new one.
Therefore, we need volunteers who help physically, but also we need volunteers, who assist with text translations in multiple languages; volunteers who popularize our ideas; as well as, volunteers, who provide temporary homes, especially for animals with the need for extra attention until they are ready for adoption. Any animal in temporary home becomes more social, adopts hygienic habits, and gets accustomed to home environment. 

In addition, we needs dog and cat beds, and blankets. 
We also need a food for the our rescued animals and for some who are still at the street. We need vitamins, leashes, and toys.
Finally, if you share the photo albums of our animals, you help! You give them a better chance to find homes!

You can help saving another innocent animal’s life!!! You are able to save an abandoned soul! None of these animals deserves their faith! All they want is home, meal, love, and protection! 

Any help is appreciated! Any effort allows a life to be saved!
We thank you for any involvement in our cause!
We appreciate all of it!

Thank you!
Animal friends- Vratsa